Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Confused Graduate

The current economy sucks. "Deb, tell me something I don't know!?" Right. Because we haven't talked/seen/heard/banged our heads against the wall enough times already with this depressing, tedious and tired subject. However, I've found this economy thing to be unique to any other situation whether it be locally, nationally or worldwide. The fundamental difference? It directly effects me.

This might sound extremely selfish. It is. I'm not a bad person. Really. Anyone who knows me can defend this position. Here are the reasons why I believe this is the case:
  • I Don't Liter. 
    • This might not seem like a lot, but a lot of people seem to think the entire earth is their garbage can. Without me or my incessant bitching, you would all be hiking through heaps of trash. You're welcome.
  • I Don't Kick Animals: Or hurt them in any way physically (even when I want to)
    • Lets face it. You are the one who didn't train your pet. Even if you did, they probably jump, are loud, needy, fart a lot and carry unwanted parasites. I can't guarantee I won't kick you for housing this thing and not taking proper care of it.
  • Are You the Asshole Who is "Accidently" in the Wrong Lane and Needs to Get Over Immediately? I Let You In!
    • Unless:
      •  I'm in a hurry, bad mood, looking forward to something, not paying attention, tired, irritable, sick, excited to get to the beach/pool/restaurant/my bed, etc.
      • You don't signal. Dick.
  • I'm Usually Have a Smile on My Face
    • If I don't have a smile on my face, it's probably your fault. Which makes you the bad person.
I could go on, but I think I've made my point. See? Not a bad person. Lets move on.

Horrible things have occurred in this world. Wars, famine, genocide, economic hardship (which seems much less harsh against those first three), homelessness, illiteracy and deuteranopia - just to name a few.

I am fortunate enough to have not experienced any of these. They were abstract ideas. Don't get me wrong, that makes me lucky as hell- probably luckier than most people in this world. I am very thankful, and if you're one of those people, you should be too. 

The economy being in peril is no longer abstract to me. I am now one of those people that did exactly what I was supposed to do (good grades in college, extra curricular activities, a bachelors degree, letters of recommendation, etc.) and still wound up in a dead end job with no career path or potentials. Suck.

I've decided that while I begin this serious adventure down the path of self exploration, I will report back to the world. Congratulations! You are lucky enough to share my frustration, sadness, and scared-shitless right along with me. Buckle up, if it's anything like my driving, prepare for a bumpy ride.

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